Bug#888949: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: recognize X{S, B}-Ruby-Versions field for packages depending on ruby, not only ruby section

Cédric Boutillier boutil at debian.org
Wed Apr 4 21:20:08 BST 2018

> How about basing this decision on the Maintainer field ? (which would probably 
> be more reliable than basing the decision on the presence of a dependency)

The XS-Ruby-Version is used (only?) by dh_ruby provided by the gem2deb
package. I think this behaviour would be useful also for packages not
maintained by the Ruby team, and they have a higher probability to not
be in the ruby section. So I think "build-depend on gem2deb" would be
the best criterion.

Now a decision based on the Maintainer field would possibly cover more
than 95% of the cases already, with (almost?) no false positive.


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