Bug#864800: Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser contains a live virus and some real spam/phishing mails

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Tue Jul 24 04:39:23 BST 2018

Hi Ricardo,

Paul Wise:
> The Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser source contains a live virus and
> some real spam/phishing mails. This is leading to Netcraft and other
> virus detection systems on the Internet reporting Debian mirrors as
> malicious, which potentially reduces the reputation of debian.org on
> various anti-spam and anti-malware services.

The Debian perl group is reviewing packages with bugs which make them
un-releasable; in particular when they are not heavily used by Debian
users. We would like to remove such modules from Debian if we don't
think they are likely to be fixed.

Mail::DeliveryStatus::BounceParser is one such module, owing to
https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=122559, and we would
like to know whether you have any plans to look at the bug in the
foreseeable future before we remove the package from Debian.

If we don't hear anything we will remove the package from Debian
around the end of August. This of course does not affect the standing
of your module on CPAN.

Thank you for maintaining this module so far!

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