Bug#852848: dh-make-perl: fix Repository in d/upstream/metadata for github projects

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Jul 24 17:19:16 BST 2018

Control: clone -1 -2
Control: retitle -2 dh-make-perl: share code with dpt-debian-upstream
Control: tags -2 - patch
Control: severity -2 wishlist

> An idea we had earlier was that dh-make-perl and dpt-debian-upstream
> should share code (instead of duplicating and maintaining the same
> parts in both). That would probably mean splitting out parts of
> dpt-debian-upstream into a module when can then be used by both. Or
> something similar.
> IIRC alexm was interested in modularizing dpt-*/pkg-perl tool (and
> has in fact already started for dpt-forward), so maybe you two could
> work together and try and prepare those changes during the freeze?

Ok, since this hasn't happened yet, I'm going to apply the patch now
because it solves a real problem, and I'm cloning the bug for the
generic wishlist feature of sharing code.
> Examples we've found in the wild and which are fixed up in
> dpt-debian-upstream:
>         git://github.com/
>         git at github.com:
>         http://github.com/
>         ssh://git@github.com/

I'll adjust the patch a bit for all those cases.


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