Bug#889732: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: Does not recognize Salsa platform in Vcs field

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sat Mar 3 17:08:59 UTC 2018

On Sat, Mar 03, 2018 at 05:56:11PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > So I'll remove the code that sets up Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser from the team
> > name.
> Hm? At least for known teams and their URLs I'd like to keep the
> hardcoded values.

> - update the hardcoded values for the perl, ruby, and javascript
>   teams

If you could add med-team and r-pkg-team which both have a flat
package structure that would be great.  The science-team has in
most cases a flat structure but (IMHO unfortunately) some people
decided to create subdirs ...

Kind regards



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