Bug#889732: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl: Does not recognize Salsa platform in Vcs field

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Mar 22 16:04:06 UTC 2018

Hi Gregor,

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 04:37:02PM +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > Currently we have for Vcs-Git:
> > 
> >           'formula' => '  $maintainer =~ /pkg-perl/                        ? "https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/$pkgname.git"
> > : $maintainer =~ /pkg-ruby-extras/ ? "https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/$pkgname.git"
> > : $maintainer =~ /pkg-javascript/ ? "https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/$pkgname.git"
> > :                                                    \'\' ;',
> > 
> > (And the same for Vcs-Browser minus the trailing .git)
> > 
> > So for the med-team and the r-pkg-team we would need a string for the
> > maintainer address, and the base git URL at salsa.
> This part is still open, and I'm happy to add the missing runes for
> med-team and r-pkg-team; I just need confirmation for the values.
> I took a quick look today:
> For debian med this looks pretty straight-forward:
> if: $maintainer =~ /debian-med-packaging/
> then: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/$pkgname.git
> Correct?

I'm afraid there are two or three exceptions but most probably we need
to fix these exceptions manually since these are rather considered as
bugs in our VCS repositories.  So yes, that's correct. 
> For the R team I'm not so sure. I looked at some packages, and 7 or 8
> of 10 had
>     $maintainer =~ debian-science-maintainers
> but I've also seen other values in Maintainers.
> Is there some unique value in debian/source to filter on?
> The URLs seem to be https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/$pkgname.git

I think you could filter for

   ( $pkgname =~ /^r-cran-.*/ || $pkgname =~ /^r-bioc-.*/ ) && Vcs-fields "exists"

I'm not sure about the latter.  Dirk Eddelbüttel does not maintain his
packages in Vcs and I do not know his plans to do so.  It might be
irrelevant since I doubt he is using cme.  I'm CCing debian-r list for
review - may be Dirk can pronounce whether he considers it helpful if
cme would insert Vcs fields also for his packages.  This would simplify
migrating his packages easily to Salsa by using cme in case he might
decide to do this.

Kind regards



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