Bug#911614: Module Mail::SPF::BlackMagic should be included
gregor herrmann
gregoa at debian.org
Mon Oct 22 16:53:43 BST 2018
Control: tag -1 + upstream
On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 17:01:18 +0200, wavexx wrote:
> I was trying to use spfquery from spf-tools-perl to debug some spf
> rules. Most of the options which are useful for debugging are relegated
> behind the --enable-black-magic option which attempts to load
> Mail::SPF::BlackMagic, which in turn is not included in
> libmail-spf-perl.
> Could you consider including also the 'black magic' functionality?
> (that I would actually consider "normal debugging stuff" in my book).
While spfquery refers to Mail::SPF::BlackMagic, this module is not in
the https://metacpan.org/release/Mail-SPF distribution; and a search
for it on the CPAN doesn't return any results either (except for
refrences/links which go nowhere) :/
The quote from the README
You can easily sub-class Mail::SPF::Server and the
Mail::SPF::Result class collection in order to extend or modify
their behavior. The hypothetical Mail::SPF::BlackMagic package was
once supposed to make use of this.
also doesn't increase the hopes.
So unless someone finds Mail::SPF::BlackMagic somewhere, we won't be
able to package/ship it.
Otherwise it might make sense to patch out the references to
::BlackMagic from the existing code …
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`- NP: Bettina Wegner: Auf der Wiese
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