Bug#914034: Bug#911938: libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl FTBFS: tests fail: Connection refused

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Apr 9 15:59:20 BST 2019

On Tue, 09 Apr 2019 07:48:45 +0200, Steffen Ullrich wrote:

> > You're welcome :-) Does clearing the SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY context flag
> > (i.e., reverting the default from OpenSSL <1.1.1) solves this for you
> > too? If so, what do you think about my proposed paths forwards from

Not yet, I first wanted to check Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL
upstream releases/commits, and ...
> Simply clearing SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY will cause problems with blocking
> connections in TLS 1.3.
> I've tried to work around the behavior change by clearing SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY
> for non-blocking and setting it again when doing blocking connections.
> Please check if
> https://github.com/noxxi/p5-io-socket-ssl/commit/09bc6a3203bc7bc89078317da42a3e96cdbf94fc
> fixes the problems you see.

... this comes in very handy, thanks Steffen :)

Unoftunately the patch doesn't apply:

patching file lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pm
Hunk #1 FAILED at 73.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 260 with fuzz 2 (offset 128 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 1052 (offset 174 lines).
Hunk #4 FAILED at 1091.
Hunk #5 succeeded at 1126 (offset -38 lines).
2 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pm

The problem is that we have IO::Socket::SL 2.060 and Net::SSLeay 1.85
(with some patches), and due to Debian being in freeze for the
upcoming release, we can't just update to the newest (dev) releases …

Anyway, next step: I've updated the patch so that it applies against
2.060, and the package builds and passes the test suite. (Patch

When I install the package with the patch and run our test case
again, I don't get any hangs anymore:

% time perl -MLWP::UserAgent -e 'LWP::UserAgent->new->post("https://facebook.com", { data => "foo" }) or die'
perl -MLWP::UserAgent -e   0.18s user 0.02s system 22% cpu 0.867 total 

So this looks promising but definitively needs more eyeballs.

Thanks again,

[0] Status of the packages, with patches in the debia/patches
directory, at:

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