Bug#926932: libdbd-mysql-perl: FTBFS (autobuilder hangs)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Apr 13 18:08:31 BST 2019

On Sat, 13 Apr 2019 18:02:52 +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

> > Do you happen to remember how much RAM it needs?
> Before it started to fail I was using single-CPU machines with only
> 1 GB of RAM and 1 GB of swap, and this was enough.
> One might think this is ridiculously low to build Debian packages in
> general, but it's in fact enough to build 96% of all source packages.

> After the failures I retried in machines with only 3.75 GB of RAM
> and 3 GB of swap and then it worked again, but in some cases I've seen
> the build process to allocate up to 9 GB of RAM. 

Ok, thanks for the additional data.

> I think this is
> just memory overcommiting on the side of MariaDB, the usual victim
> of OOM killer in small Wordpress installs not having enough swap.

Right, the questions are 1) if the memory consumption comes from
mariadb (and mysql) or dbd::mysql and 2) if and what dbd::mysql
should do in this case …


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