Bug#880368: YAML::XS::Load expects utf8 octets, not perl's encoding; use slurp_raw

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sun Dec 15 18:30:42 GMT 2019

On Fri, 13 Dec 2019 14:23:46 +0100 Andrej Shadura 
<andrew.shadura at collabora.co.uk> wrote:
> As a temporary workaround, I patched the locally used version to use
> YAML::XS, but as I see you won?t accept this patch upstream. Is there a
> solution that would satisfy both conditions of how having security
> issues and supporting proper YAML? 

YAML::XS security issues has been fixed upstream. Now 
Config::Model::Backend::Yaml uses YAML:XS

That said, YAML input and output is used in several places in libconfig-model-
dpkg-perl. I fail to see your use case which involves debian/copyright in YAML 

Could you provide more details on your use case ?

> By the way, what are those security
> issues and how serious and relevant to scan-copyrights are they?

YAML specification allows serialisation of Perl object, which means its 
destructor is invoked when this object is destroyed. Since the yaml data that 
may contain a Perl object may comes from untrusted package source, this was a 
security issue (albeit quite far fetched).

Anyway, YAML::XS now has a switch to disable object creation when loading 
YAML. See https://github.com/ingydotnet/yaml-libyaml-pm/issues/45 for more 

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