Bug#908514: [rt.cpan.org #127094] possible duplicate, doubts about the patch and the original code

Josip Rodin joy at debbugs.entuzijast.net
Tue Jan 1 21:18:22 GMT 2019

On Tue, Jan 01, 2019 at 01:42:23PM +0100, Roland Rosenfeld wrote:
> On Fr, 28 Dez 2018, Josip Rodin wrote:
> > Even if all those devices have not been RFC-compliant, I would still
> > say it's doubtful that the Net::SNMP approach of croaking with a
> > single opaque sentence -- and a code warning on top -- is the right
> > thing to do.
> So what's your suggestion as a DD to handle this in Debian?
> Should I simply add Manuels patch from
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75191#txn-1040627 to
> the Debian package and change the behavior of Debian Net::SNMP in a
> way that doesn't follow the upstream maintainer but will solve the
> problem of many people using non RFC compliant systems?
> I personally tend to do it that way, but I do not really like the idea
> to ignore upstreams intention here...

I definitely wouldn't do that in the package right now. All those people we
know kludged it that way may have had their use case start working, yet they
probably didn't distribute their kludge to hundreds of thousands of other
places. If you do it, it will lead to having to support various other edge
cases that may well crop up.

Instead, I'd first have upstream speak up - is there a technical reason
why they didn't come up with any solution since 2012?

Note also my subsequent message in
https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=75191#txn-1826575 - I could
not reproduce the rationale for that original patch, so IMHO it's all on
pretty shaky ground.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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