Processed: Re: Bug#931760: doesn't pull perl-openssl-defaults in debootstrap

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Wed Jul 17 07:15:14 BST 2019

Processing commands for control at

> reassign 931760 debootstrap
Bug #931760 [libnet-ssleay-perl] doesn't pull perl-openssl-defaults in debootstrap
Bug reassigned from package 'libnet-ssleay-perl' to 'debootstrap'.
No longer marked as found in versions libnet-ssleay-perl/1.85-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #931760 to the same values previously set
> severity 931760 normal
Bug #931760 [debootstrap] doesn't pull perl-openssl-defaults in debootstrap
Severity set to 'normal' from 'minor'
> merge 878961 931760
Bug #878961 [debootstrap] debootstrap fails to resolve dependencies on virtual packages
Bug #827602 [debootstrap] libdirectfb-dev depends on libpng but fails to install it when installing libdirectfb-dev
Bug #931760 [debootstrap] doesn't pull perl-openssl-defaults in debootstrap
There is no source info for the package 'debootstrap' at version '1.0.81ubuntu3.2' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '1.0.81ubuntu3.2'
Marked as found in versions 1.0.81ubuntu3.2.
Bug #827602 [debootstrap] libdirectfb-dev depends on libpng but fails to install it when installing libdirectfb-dev
Merged 827602 878961 931760
> affects 931760 libnet-ssleay-perl
Bug #931760 [debootstrap] doesn't pull perl-openssl-defaults in debootstrap
Bug #827602 [debootstrap] libdirectfb-dev depends on libpng but fails to install it when installing libdirectfb-dev
Bug #878961 [debootstrap] debootstrap fails to resolve dependencies on virtual packages
Added indication that 931760 affects libnet-ssleay-perl
Added indication that 827602 affects libnet-ssleay-perl
Added indication that 878961 affects libnet-ssleay-perl
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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