Bug#914034: Bug#911938: libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl FTBFS: tests fail: Connection refused

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun May 12 12:33:05 BST 2019

Control: reassign -1 libwww-perl 6.36-1
Control: retitle -1 libwww-perl: ancient patch causes TLSv1.3 connection deadlock
Control: tag -1 + patch

On Sun, 12 May 2019 07:31:57 +0200, Steffen Ullrich wrote:

> Actually, the fix is probably even simpler.
> The bug does not happen with an original libwww. It only happens with an LWP
> which contains Debian patches. Specifically the patch
> drop-non-blocking-socket.patch causes the problem since it keeps the socket
> blocking while the original libwww explicitly sets the socket non-blocking
> in _new_socket.


> From my understanding of the code the original problem which caused the
> patch to be added (#216821) should be no longer relevant since the socket is
> actually connected before it is set to non-blocking.
> Thus I recommend to just remove this old patch (from 2003) instead of
> introducing yet another patch.

I can confirm that removing this patch makes the same test as
yesterday work.

Thanks for digging this up!

I'll wait a day or two to give others a chance to take a look before
I upload the fixed package.


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