Bug#977643: equivs: Can't specify spoofed package version

5990 5990 at protonmail.com
Fri Dec 18 04:29:08 GMT 2020

Thanks for the blazing fast response!

> These are all the wrong syntax. Please try to use the syntax for
> dependencies (and provides) in Debian packages:

> Provides: python (= 2.7.16-1)

> (The blank after the equal sign is optional.)

> The format and syntax are documented in the Debian Policy, e.g. here:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html

That worked! ty

> [..] there is a proper reference to the Debian policy for the format
of some fields missing.
> Do you have any suggestion where to add such a reference? Where in the equivs documentation did you look for such information?

Firstly I looked into the github repo. The README.md is pretty much empty, so that wasn't usefull.

I then found the Debian Package Tracker webpage for this package.[1] I may have missed it, but afaik, there's no documentation there, so I followed the link to the git repository.[2] This repo didn't have a README, so it was another dead end.

I then decided to look for the online manpages of equivs-control (bc, on my experience, online manpages are more frequently updated than CLI manpages), and found it's testing release.[3] However, this release didn't really have much details on formatting. Appart from the template path (/usr/share/equivs/template.ctl), it doesn't tell much.

Finally, I decided to check this template file, but there wasn't any extra-info compared to that of a brand-new control file.

My recommendations would be to add a README.md on the git repo, and to add a comment with that link to the template file.

[1]: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/equivs
[2]: https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/equivs
[3]: https://manpages.debian.org/testing/equivs/equivs-control.1.en.html

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