Bug#952534: debsums: conffiles not removed: /etc/debsums-ignore

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Wed Feb 26 11:44:50 GMT 2020

I'm not sure what is going on, but from #debian-dpkg:

<pabs> guillem: I could use some advice on debsums #952534 re conffile
removal, would you mind reading the response and suggesting a course of
<guillem> pabs: ok so I've not checked the maintscripts but I'm
assuming the package got the logic wrong
<guillem> as an apt reinstall debsums properly forgets about the
obsolete conffile
<guillem> pabs: IMO they should either fix the logic or switch again to
dpkg-maintscript-helper and then restore the file if the .dpkg-bak
exists and is non-empty?

On Tue, 2020-02-25 at 15:01 +0100, Axel Beckert wrote:

> I see that "dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' debsums | fgrep
> obsolete" lists /etc/debsums-ignore. It's though unclear to me, why.

I assume because dpkg-maintscript-helper wasn't used to unregister.

> Definitely not. If you look at the git history, that's exactly what I
> tried before releasing 2.2.5 — and it did not work as needed for this
> specific case (i.e. keeping the file as it is if modified and _not_
> renaming it to /etc/debsums-ignore.bak as rm_conffile unconditionally
> does):

Hmm, I wasn't aware of that behaviour. Probably guillem's suggestion
above of restoring the .dpkg-bak file to the normal one would work? 
I also think that it would be useful for dpkg-maintscript-helper to
have an option to keep the file's name when the file is modified.

> It sounds as if I should not have removed the file in the maintainer
> script, but just having left it alone — especially without using
> rm_conffile.
> Do you know if that would have resulted in the wanted behaviour (our
> wanted behaviour, not the one rm_conffile does, see above)?

I don't know the answer to that sorry.

> P.S.: The subject is wrong (or at least confusing) since the conffile
> actually has been removed, just not the record of it being a
> conffile.



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