Bug#954827: dh-make-perl: please install packages using apt instead of dpkg -i when possible

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jul 11 23:58:17 BST 2020

Control: clone -1 -2
Control: retitle -2 dh-make-perl: add support for installing with aptitude and/or allow to set installation tool
Control: found -2 0.109
Control: tag -1 + confirmed pending

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 14:03:11 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

> Modern apt supports installing local packages like this:
>    apt-get install ./foo.deb
> It would be nice for dh-make-perl to support this (possibly also
> aptitude too). Some situations might require different install
> tools so an option might be best. Using apt has the advantage of
> installing any extra dependencies that already exist in the Debian
> archive instead of failing the install. Allowing for use of
> aptitude has the advantage of a much more flexible dependency
> resolver for complicated installs.

Nice catch, thanks.
I agree that "apt-get install" makes more sense than "dpkg -i"
because of dependencies, and I've changed this in git now.

I'm cloning the bug for the further possible change to add support
for aptitude or for selecting tools etc.


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