Bug#954975: dh-make-perl: add support for building in sbuild/pbuilder

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Jul 12 00:05:22 BST 2020

On Thu, 26 Mar 2020 10:36:24 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

> While recursively building & installing packages for CPAN modules that
> aren't yet in Debian I encountered some git related modules that failed
> to build on my system but when I built them in a clean chroot using
> pbuilder & cowbuilder they built fine. I think they might be
> incompatible with my personal git config or they might not be isolating
> themselves from external git configs well enough. Either issue is
> unlikely to be resolved any time soon, so it would be nice if there
> were support in dh-make-perl for building with pbuilder/sbuild or even
> other commands (for example build on another host via ssh).
> $ dh-make-perl --core-ok --recursive --build --install --cpan Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::DROLSKY

Thanks for this proposal.

While I see the value behind the idea, I think I shhould mention that
most people involved with dh-make-perl probably never use --build and
--install, because we want to create a rough source package which we
then polish before uploading, so my guess is that this feature
request won't be very high on anybody's TODO list without a patch
from someone who actually wants and uses it.


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