Bug#962968: libauthen-sasl-perl: Net::LDAP with GSSAPI SASL bind connecting with wrong sasl_ssf on Debian buster
A. Lewenberg
deb251 at lewenberg.com
Thu Jun 18 22:38:39 BST 2020
As a further test, here is a simple python script that does the same
thing as the Perl script. It works fine and the LDAP logs show
"sasl_ssf=256 ssf=256" when I run it:
import ldap
import ldap.sasl
import os
ldap_server = 'ldap.example.com'
os.environ["KRB5CCNAME"] = "/tmp/testing.tkt"
conn = ldap.ldapobject.ReconnectLDAPObject('ldap://' + ldap_server,
retry_max = 5)
auth = ldap.sasl.gssapi("")
conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", auth)
basedn = 'dc=example,dc=com'
searchScope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
searchFilter = '(uid=johndoe)'
searchAttribute = [
ldap_result_id = conn.search(basedn, searchScope, searchFilter,
result_type, result_data = conn.result(ldap_result_id, 0)
So, ldapsearch and the python script appear to connect with
"sasl_ssf=256 ssf=256" but the Perl script connects with "sasl_ssf=1
ssf=256". Why?
On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 08:25:51 -0700 Richard Landster
<deb251 at lewenberg.com> wrote:
> Package: libauthen-sasl-perl
> Version: 2.1600-1
> Severity: important
> Dear Maintainer,
> I have a Perl script to read from an OpenLDAP instance using Net::LDAP
> with a GSSAPI bind. The script works fine on Debian stretch but fails on
> Debian buster.
> Note that on both servers the line at the bottom of the Perl code that
> runs ldapsearch produces the same correct results, so I am sure that the
> Kerberos ticket cache is correct on both servers.
> Looking at the OpenLDAP logs I see that the ldapsearch run shows up with
> the strength factors sasl_ssf=256 ssf=256 while the Net::LDAP bind shows
> up with the strength factors sasl_ssf=1 ssf=256. Since the Net::LDAP bind
> is using Kerberos, the sasl_ssf should be 56, not 1.
> #######
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Authen::SASL;
> use Net::LDAP;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $server_name = 'ldap.example.com';
> $ENV{'KRB5CCNAME'} = '/tmp/krb.tkt';
> my $ld = Net::LDAP->new($server_name, version => '3');
> $ld->start_tls(verify => 'require');
> if (!$ld or $ld == -1) {
> die "Could not connect to directory server $server_name";
> }
> my $SASL = Authen::SASL->new('GSSAPI');
> my $status = $ld->bind(sasl => $SASL);
> if ($status->code) {
> die 'Bind error: (' . $status->error_name . ') ' . $status->error_text;
> }
> my $base = 'dc=example,dc=com';
> my $filter = '(uid=johndoe)';
> my @attrs = ('uid', 'sn');
> $status = $ld->search(
> base => 'dc=example,dc=com',
> filter => $filter,
> attrs => \@attrs,
> ) ;
> my @entries = $status->all_entries;
> # This results in nothing (but should result in the same data as the ldapsearch below):
> warn Dumper @entries ;
> my $attrs = join(' ', @attrs) ;
> my $cmd = "ldapsearch -LLL -h $server_name -b $base '$filter' $attrs";
> # This gives the correct result:
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