Bug#958414: Latest equivs version 2.3.0 breaks mk-build-deps

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Thu May 7 17:15:41 BST 2020

Hi Axel,

Quoting Axel Beckert (2020-05-07 15:45:12)
> >     bisection finished successfully
> >       last good timestamp: 2020-04-19 06:52:31.476563+02:00
> >       first bad timestamp: 2020-04-19 10:35:09.156250+02:00
> >     only one package differs: equivs is the culprit
> Yeah, but we know that already. I still haven't understood what exactly
> causes this issue.

sorry, me writing this was not supposed to come across as "I think that you are
wrong, so here is further evidence that I'm right". Instead, all I knew was
what was written by Otto and (same as myself) Otto wasn't sure whether this was
a bug in equivs or something else. So what I wanted to say was "this problem
indeed only started happening once the new equivs version got uploaded".

> If it's similar as with mk-ci-build-deps above, this is likely a bug in
> mk-build-deps then, just triggered by equivs.

Again, I don't want to be confrontational here. I don't understand as much
about equivs as you do. But what I tested is completely independent from
mk-build-deps. What I tried was running:

equivs-build /usr/share/doc/equivs/examples/webserver.ctl

And I got the same error as Otto ("Unmet build dependencies:
build-essential:native") -- even when I tried with all the other control files
in the examples directory. So if the bug is indeed not in equivs, then there
must be a bug in the control files?

Sorry if I came across as confrontational -- that was not my intention. Please
ignore this mail in case I still didn't manage to make sense.


cheers, josch
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