Bug#972887: libgstreamer1-perl: Deprecated upstream
intrigeri at debian.org
Mon Oct 26 10:31:05 GMT 2020
Control: severity -1 normal
Control: retitle -1 Inactive upstream
Hi Mike,
Mike Gabriel (2020-10-26):
> I don't think that libgstreamer1-perl as found in Debian is the one
> provided by GNOME/Gtk / referenced in the given URL / deprecation
> announcement.
You're right!
This one is https://github.com/frezik/GStreamer1.
The GNOME one, that I was referring to, was previously packaged
as libgstreamer-perl (removed in 2015: #799327).
Sorry for the confusion.
Shall I close this bug?
> Nonetheless, the upstream for libgstreamer1-perl has also been quite
> inactive over the past years.
> I will ping Perl people that I know if
> they are interested in taking over upstream maintenance.
Sounds great, thanks! :)
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