PDL 2.038

Ed . ej_zg at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 20 18:39:28 BST 2021

Hi Henning, (and Perl Debian packaging folks)

Thank you for your work on the Debian PDL package! https://repology.org/project/perl:pdl/versions indicates that the latest Debian version of it is for 2.025.

Recently the repo directory has changed a tiny bit. The project has a debian/ directory. Can you guide me on what I would run to ensure that the Debian-side work to bundle up PDL is minimal or in fact entirely from the debian/ directory? I’d like to set that up in our CI so it’s one of the checks run on every commit.

Also, I’d like to see the PDL version updated, if that’s possible. Hopefully success at the above would also facilitate some automatic updating, like Fedora Rawhide seems to?

Best regards,
PDL maintainer

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