Bug#1001615: licensecheck returns UNKNOWN for Bitstream license

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Mon Dec 13 14:23:10 GMT 2021

Control: severity -1 minor
Control: clone -1 -2
Control: retitle -2 licensecheck: add new identifiers COMPLEX, MAYBE and NONE

Hi Vignesh,

Quoting Vignesh Raman (2021-12-13 09:50:02)
> licensecheck (version v3.1.1 and v3.2.14) reports UNKNOWN for 
> Bitstream license.

Thanks for reporting this issue!

The file "LICENSE" in Debian source package "fonts-dejavu" contains 
several licensing texts, but all of them are uncommon ones. Individual 
font source files contain no licensing, only copyright (and mentions the 
lack of copyright for some parts due to being in the Public Domain).

Technically it not a bug to report licensing as "UNKNOWN", because 
really no licensing shortname is known to licensecheck for the licensing 
here granted by Bitstream.

Several other more general issues relates to this one, however, and 
fixing some or all of those would like make this issue less relevant:

 * Licensecheck should distinguish reason it defaulted to UNKNOWN
   tracked at https://bugs.debian.org/1001635
 * project-wide licensing should be noted in header section
   tracked at https://bugs.debian.org/863954

That said, I will jeep this issue report open, as a good example of 
non-generic licensing which could maybe be pseudo-classified tied to a 
similar generic license - e.g. as Expat~Bitstream.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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