Bug#979080: libhtml-template-pro-perl FTCBFS: dependency issues

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Jan 2 16:14:45 GMT 2021

On Sat, 02 Jan 2021 11:03:23 +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:

> libhtml-template-pro-perl cannot be cross built from source, because its
> build-depends are not cross satisfiably. Without thinking too much,
> annotating test dependencies with <!nocheck> goes a long way. Once done,
> the only thing left is replacing the perl dependency with perl-xs-dev
> (which is now required for building perl extensions) and then
> libhtml-test-pro-perl successfully cross builds. 

Fixed package uploaded.

> Please consider
> applying the attached patch.

BTW, your debdiffs never apply, as the packages evolve in git. E.g.
the perl-xs-dev dependency is already added, and we make also other
mass changes, and then the Debian janitor also comes along.

That's no big deal, I just look at your debdiffs and fix what
remains, but it would also be enough to just say "please add
<!nocheck> and perl-xs-dev" (or start from the package's git repo).


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