Bug#1025769: HTTP::Server::Simple vs. support for Unix domain sockets

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Fri Dec 30 14:28:16 GMT 2022

On Fri, 09 Dec 2022 10:20:23 +0000, Ivan Shmakov wrote:

(Sorry for the late reply.)

>  > I’m afraid to say that it mostly is not actionable from the
>  > Debian packaging side.  What you propose, in my understanding,
>  > are massive changes to the code, and that’s not what we are
>  > going to do on our own in Debian, but something which needs
>  > to be discussed with upstream and needs to happen there.
> 	Not all of the changes I propose are what I’d call ‘massive.’

Right, "massive" was not the best wording.

>  > I can forward your ideas upstream
> 	I’d appreciate that.
>  > but it might be easier if you do it yourself as this will
>  > potentially require discussion:
>  > https://github.com/bestpractical/http-server-simple
> 	I have no Github account (and I’d rather keep it that way.)

> 	I have a CPAN account, though, so I can report the issues
> 	to the CPAN RT instance [1], if the upstream monitor that.
> [1] http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=HTTP-Server-Simple

TBH, I don't know if upstream monitors CPAN RT or Github or both or
neither :)

I propose that you try to report your proposals at CPAN RT, and if
this doesn't trigger a reaction I can forward the bug report to
Github later.
>  > That’s something relevant for packaging; but I’m not so sure about
>  > your conclusion.  After looking around a bit I think I can say
>  > that lib/HTTP/Server/Simple/CGI.pm needs CGI.pm; libcgi-pm-perl
>  > needs to be in Build-Depends-Indep, otherwise the tests fails
>  > (which was not your point); moving libcgi-pm-perl from Depends to
>  > Recommends does not break autopkgtests so it would be ok at first
>  > sight, the question is if we want to ensure an always working
>  > HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI.  In the end I guess a Recommends would
>  > be arguable but it’s not that clear-cut IMO …
> 	IME it rarely is.
> 	The caveat here is that all the packages that depend on
> 	libhttp-server-simple-perl /and/ use HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI
> 	would need to be updated to depend on libcgi-pm-perl as well.

Right, and here we are getting into the question of costs vs.

The benefits of moving libcgi-pm-perl from Depends to Recommends are
saving a bit of diskspace and installed packages; the costs are
finding where HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI is used and adding additional
dependencies there.

looks like this might be a non-trivial amount of work. For me
personally the costs outweigh the benefits, but others might come to
different conclusions.


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