Bug#1005016: libobject-pad-slotattr-final-perl: Object::Pad::SlotAttr::Final is replaced by Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Final

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed Feb 9 20:18:13 GMT 2022

Control: severity -1 serious
Control: tag -1 + sid bookworm
Control: clone -1 -2
Control: reassign -2 src:libobject-pad-slotattr-isa-perl 0.02-2
Control: retitle -2 Object::Pad::SlotAttr::Isa is replaced by Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Isa
Control: severity -2 serious
Control: tag -2 + sid bookworm
Control: clone -1 -3
Control: reassign -3 src:libobject-pad-slotattr-lazyinit-perl 0.04-2
Control: retitle -3 Object::Pad::SlotAttr::LazyInit is replaced by Object::Pad::FieldAttr::LazyInit
Control: severity -3 serious
Control: tag -2 + sid bookworm
Control: clone -1 -4
Control: reassign -4 src:libobject-pad-slotattr-trigger-perl 0.05-2
Control: retitle -4 Object::Pad::SlotAttr::Trigger is replaced by Object::Pad::FieldAttr::Trigger
Control: severity -4 serious
Control: tag -4 + sid bookworm

On Sat, 05 Feb 2022 15:27:46 +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:

> This warning comes from Object::Pad 0.60 which renamed 'slots' to
> 'fields'.
> Now in libobject-pad-slotattr-final-perl we could silence the
> autopkgtest warnings or we could patch the code but still the module
> and the package would be called *slot* …
> So I looked at the MetaCPAN, and indeed, there is a renamed
> distribution available: https://metacpan.org/dist/Object-Pad-FieldAttr-Final
> I guess we should replace libobject-pad-slotattr-final-perl with
> libobject-pad-fieldattr-final-perl …
> Well, and this is not the only package with 'slot':
> % apt-cache --names-only search libobject-pad-slot | grep -v dbgsym
> libobject-pad-slotattr-final-perl - declare Object::Pad slots readonly after construction
> libobject-pad-slotattr-isa-perl - apply class type constraints to Object::Pad slots
> libobject-pad-slotattr-lazyinit-perl - lazily initialise Object::Pad slots at first read
> libobject-pad-slotattr-trigger-perl - invoke an instance method after a :writer accessor

Alright, making this a bit more formal:
- cloning the bug for the 3 other affected packages
- marking them as serious as they currently block the perl 5.34
  transition (by way of blocking the rebuilt arch:any libobject-pad-perl
  as it breaks the 4 autopkgtests); this could be ignored, but the
  4 packages are doomed anyway, so an RC bug makes removal from
  testing more transparent.


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