Status update
intrigeri at
Mon Jul 18 11:43:55 BST 2022
As you might have noticed, I've been mostly inactive on the team
since a long time. I figured I owe you a (late) status update.
First, I'm privileged enough to be doing pretty good, despite the
world going to hell in all sorts of ways.
Since 2.5 years I've significantly decreased my involvement in Debian
in general (not only pkg-perl) because I've been feeling less
comfortable in the project, for reasons that I'd rather not discuss
publicly. As a result, I left another team that I cared about, skipped
the online DebConf in 2020 and 2021, and refrained from getting
involved in project-wide matters.
In parallel, my focus and interests have been shifting towards AFK
activities. I'm spending much less time in front of computers than
I used to. It's been good for me.
Furthermore, my motivation for working on pkg-perl specifically has
decreased for 2 main reasons:
- Tails is in the process of replacing custom software that I wrote
in Perl almost 10 years ago, switching to a programming language in
which my team-mates have significant expertise (Python).
This lowers the incentive for me to pay attention to what's going
on in the Perl world, beyond maintenance of Tails' current
dependencies that I've been taking care of in Debian for 10 years
or so (but even there, other team members have been faster than me
recently — thanks!).
- My motivation to do *team* work, beyond the few packages I am
specifically interested in, has always been proportional to the
time spent face-to-face with y'all. Without in person meetings, it
plummeted down to zero. I'm grateful, and impressed, that some of
you managed to keep the lights on.
I don't see this situation changing any time soon. I plan to keep
maintaining (when nobody is faster than me) GTK related packages until
Tails stops needing them. Don't count on me for other team work.
And I cannot tell yet whether it'll be meaningful for me to
participate in team activities during the next in-person DebConf that
I attend.
Either way, I miss you and am looking forward to next time we meet in
person :)
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