Bug#962407: Bug#954089: libplack-perl: Please verify server identity via SSL

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Wed May 25 21:24:09 BST 2022

On Sun, 07 Jun 2020 17:45:41 +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> Correction, given the amount of time that's passed and that I'm not
> even sure if the person who responded negatively on the previous
> issue speaks for the current maintainers, I have opened a new issue:
> https://github.com/chansen/p5-http-tiny/issues/134

Revisiting this issue now, the state seems to be:

The upstream ticket was closed with

"On reflection, we shouldn't make this change for backwards compatibility."

So I guess we are back to the point where we have to discuss if we
want to make the change on the Debian side and carry the patch (and
keep the pieces if something breaks).

I think we had a tendence to say "this change makes sense" and "it
doesn't look like huge breakage ahead" but I guess someone need to
pick up this issue and take a deeper look.


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