Bug#1033406: licensecheck: scan-copyrights fails to create copyright file for texlive-extra

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sun Mar 26 18:18:33 BST 2023

On Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:22:33 +0530 Vignesh Raman <vignesh.raman at collabora.com> wrote:
> Only when we run scan-copyrights with all the source files, it crashes.

With texlive-extra-2022.20230122 source, scan-copyright emits some warnings but does not fail.

Could you try scan-copyright on your side by running this command in texlive-extra directory ?

$ scan-copyright > copyright.debian

Since the source is quite big (the output of license-check weights 32MB), it's possible that your system runs out of memory. 
Please check for kernel message.

On my system, scan-copyright uses ~130MB when scanning texlive-extra.

All the best

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