Bug#1056346: libgeo-gpx-perl: error "can't open file GLOB(...)"

Alexis Huxley alexishuxley at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 12:20:30 GMT 2023

Package: libgeo-gpx-perl
Version: 1.09-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

According to the man page, Geo::Gpx's new() method can be passed a file
name or an already-opened file handle, but when passed a filehandle it
can fail to detect that it *is* a filehandle and attempts to treat it
like a file to be opened.

Here's a recipe to demonstrate the bug:

#  Create a minimal stupid GPX file
echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<gpx version="1.1">\n</gpx>' > test.gpx
#  cat it via pipe into a minimal Geo::Gpx script
cat test.gpx | perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);'
#  same but not via a pipe
perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);' < test.gpx

On Debian 11 (libgeo-gpx-perl 0.26-5) the right thing happens:

tortelli$ echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<gpx version="1.1">\n</gpx>' > test.gpx
tortelli$ cat test.gpx | perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);'
tortelli$ perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);' < test.gpx

On Debian 12 (libgeo-gpx-perl 1.09-1) the wrong thing happens:

farfalle$ echo -e '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n<gpx version="1.1">\n</gpx>' > test.gpx
farfalle$ cat test.gpx | perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);'
farfalle$ perl -e 'use Geo::Gpx; Geo::Gpx->new(input => \*STDIN);' < test.gpx
Uncaught exception from user code:
	can't open file GLOB(0x5648fd6bd630) No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Geo/Gpx.pm line 155.
	Geo::Gpx::new("Geo::Gpx", "input", GLOB(0x5648fd6bd630)) called at -e line 1

As far as the user is concerned, 'cat blah |' and '< blah' are both
facilitating some command to read an *already-opened file* from stdin.
/usr/share/perl5/Geo/Gpx.pm:155 is using '(-f ...)' to determine if
the thing needs opening, but '(-f ...)' is not suitable for this! It
is only suitable for determining whether its operand is *or was opened
from* a file. Here's a demo with pure Perl:

farfalle$ perl -e 'printf "%d\n", (-f \*STDIN);' < /etc/passwd
farfalle$ cat /etc/passwd | perl -e 'printf "%d\n", (-f \*STDIN);'

Debian 11 and 12 show exactly the same output from these commands. In
both commands the file /etc/passwd *is already open* as far as
perl is concerned. But the difference in output (1 or 0) illustrates
that using '(-f ...)' is not a good test for whether something needs

I note that Debian 11's libgeo-gpx-perl's /usr/share/perl5/Geo/Gpx.pm 
does not use '(-f ...)'.


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