Bug#1056399: libcryptx-perl: invalid opcode in CryptX.so

Benedikt Spranger b.spranger at linutronix.de
Fri Nov 24 15:24:04 GMT 2023

Control: severity +1 serious
Control: patch

Dear maintainer,

while looking at the bug I recognized, that the AMD Athlon(tm) II X2
255 Processor is not capable to handle SSE4.1 opcodes. The SSE4.1 and
SSE4.2 support by AMD CPUs was introduced later.

I rebuild the Package without these flags (-msse4.1 / -maes) and
everything works as expected. I also removed the -maes flag, since AES
is, like SSE4.1, is not part of the Debian amd64 architectural
baseline. Patch is attached.

    Benedikt Spranger
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