Bug#1068091: dh-make-perl: Build fails with invalid git tag when using manual version and epoch

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Apr 1 01:58:35 BST 2024

On Sat, 30 Mar 2024 12:46:46 +0000, Andy Beverley wrote:

> When specifying a version with an epoch, and when a tag is used with
> a git repo, the build fails with an invalid tag error.
> For example:
>   cpan2deb --version=1:1.006 --revision=1  PDF::Table
> Fails with:
>   fatal: 'upstream/1:1.006' is not a valid tag name.

Nice find :)

I guess this is a bit of a corner case, as there probably is no
upstream version with a ':' anywhere, but I see why you would be
doing something like this.
> The problem appears to be caused by this line in DhMakePerl::Command::make
>   $git->command( 'tag', "upstream/".$self->version, 'upstream/latest' )
> I assume a fix would simply be to replace all occurences of a colon with
> another suitable character?

Thanks for pointing out the relevant line in the code, and yes,
replacing the colon with something git-compatible sounds right.

It looks like some tools use '%' as a replacement, maybe dh-make-perl
should adopt this precedence.

Do you fancy to provide and test a patch? I'd be happy tp


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