Processed: cloning 1075185, severity of -1 is normal ..., tagging -1
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Thu Aug 8 17:24:04 BST 2024
Processing commands for control at
> clone 1075185 -1
Bug #1075185 [src:libmemcached-libmemcached-perl] libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: ftbfs with GCC-14
Bug 1075185 cloned as bug 1078224
> severity -1 normal
Bug #1078224 [src:libmemcached-libmemcached-perl] libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: ftbfs with GCC-14
Severity set to 'normal' from 'serious'
> retitle -1 libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: re-think packaging / handling of bundled sources and regeneration of constants
Bug #1078224 [src:libmemcached-libmemcached-perl] libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: ftbfs with GCC-14
Changed Bug title to 'libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: re-think packaging / handling of bundled sources and regeneration of constants' from 'libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: ftbfs with GCC-14'.
> tags -1 - confirmed ftbfs sid trixie
Bug #1078224 [src:libmemcached-libmemcached-perl] libmemcached-libmemcached-perl: re-think packaging / handling of bundled sources and regeneration of constants
Removed tag(s) ftbfs, trixie, confirmed, and sid.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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