Bug#1078256: latexdiff: slight modification to a length passed to \raisebox results in diff output that does not compile

Frederik Tilmann tilmann at gfz-potsdam.de
Wed Aug 14 10:53:02 BST 2024

I have checked this and can confirm the bug on latest version of latexdiff.
As a quick fix you can use option '--exclude-safecmd=raisebox'.

The example demonstrated some more fundamental problem for commands with 
options which are safe and text commands at the same time.
I will look into this when I get some time.

In general it would be great if latexdiff issues are reported directly at


rather than on debian specific bug list.  (I have already transferred 
this bug report to github - progress will be tracked there, but I will 
try to remember to send an email to the deibain list when fixed.

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