Bug#1078094: libcatmandu-perl: Catmandu::Util warns on usage with Perl 5.40: Attempt to call undefined import method with arguments

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Aug 25 16:19:43 BST 2024

Control: reassign -1 libcatmandu-xsd-perl 0.05-2
Control: tag -1 + sid trixie pending

On Sat, 24 Aug 2024 16:50:26 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:

> Lacking that, perhaps we should just disable the current test, or allow
> it to generate warnings (which may just postpone this issue until the
> deprecation becomes a hard error.) I suppose we shouldn't be slaves to
> our QA checks when they pinpoint things that nobody really cares about.
> I'd appreciate it if somebody else looked at this too, and perhaps
> reassigned this to libcatmandu-xsd-perl if they agree. We won't be able
> to get Perl 5.40 in without doing something about this.

If Catmandu::XSD is not meant to be use()d directly, I think skipping
use.t in libcatmandu-xsd-perl is fair (and we're doing this for other
packages as well).

Implemented in git, but I'll wait a bit for further comments.


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