Processed: transition: ffmpeg
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Sun Jun 2 14:46:05 BST 2024
Processing control commands:
> forwarded -1
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
Set Bug forwarded-to-address to ''.
> block -1 by 1069595
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was not blocked by any bugs.
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1069595
> block -1 by 1072339
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1069595
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072339
> block -1 by 1072398
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1069595
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072398
> block -1 by 1072399
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1069595 1072398 1072339
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072399
> block -1 by 1072400
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072398 1069595 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072400
> block -1 by 1072401
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072398 1072400 1072399 1069595
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072401
> block -1 by 1072402
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072401 1069595 1072339 1072398 1072400
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072402
> block -1 by 1072403
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072402 1072400 1072339 1072398 1069595 1072401
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072403
> block -1 by 1072404
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072403 1072400 1072339 1072398 1072401 1069595 1072402
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072404
> block -1 by 1072405
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072403 1072399 1072404 1072402 1069595 1072401 1072339 1072398 1072400
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072405
> block -1 by 1072406
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072403 1072401 1069595 1072398 1072339 1072405 1072400 1072404 1072402
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072406
> block -1 by 1072407
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072403 1072406 1072401 1069595 1072339 1072398 1072400 1072405 1072404 1072402
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072407
> block -1 by 1072408
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072407 1072399 1072403 1072406 1072339 1072398 1072405 1072400 1069595 1072401 1072402 1072404
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072408
> block -1 by 1072409
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072401 1072339 1072400 1072405 1072403 1072406 1072399 1072407 1069595 1072398
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072409
> block -1 by 1072410
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1069595 1072398 1072409 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072339 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072399 1072407 1072406 1072403
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072410
> block -1 by 1072411
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072407 1072399 1072406 1072403 1072405 1072400 1072339 1072401 1072402 1072408 1072404 1072409 1072398 1072410 1069595
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072411
> block -1 by 1072412
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072408 1072402 1072404 1072405 1072400 1072339 1072401 1072406 1072403 1072407 1072399 1072410 1072398 1069595 1072411 1072409
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072412
> block -1 by 1072413
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072408 1072402 1072404 1072400 1072405 1072339 1072401 1072406 1072403 1072407 1072399 1072412 1072410 1072398 1069595 1072411 1072409
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072413
> block -1 by 1072414
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072413 1072409 1072398 1072410 1069595 1072411 1072412 1072407 1072399 1072406 1072403 1072405 1072400 1072339 1072401 1072402 1072408 1072404
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072414
> block -1 by 1072415
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072400 1072405 1072339 1072401 1072408 1072402 1072404 1072407 1072399 1072406 1072403 1072398 1072410 1069595 1072411 1072412 1072414 1072413 1072409
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072415
> block -1 by 1072416
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072407 1072403 1072406 1072401 1072339 1072400 1072405 1072404 1072402 1072408 1072409 1072413 1072411 1069595 1072415 1072398 1072410 1072414 1072412
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072416
> block -1 by 1072417
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072410 1072398 1072415 1072411 1069595 1072412 1072414 1072416 1072413 1072409 1072339 1072400 1072405 1072401 1072408 1072402 1072404 1072407 1072399 1072403 1072406
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072417
> block -1 by 1072418
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072417 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072415 1072398 1072410 1069595 1072411 1072412 1072414 1072407 1072399 1072406 1072403 1072400 1072405 1072339 1072401 1072408 1072402 1072404
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072418
> block -1 by 1072419
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072399 1072407 1069595 1072411 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072412 1072418 1072417 1072339 1072406 1072403 1072398 1072409 1072413 1072416
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072419
> block -1 by 1072420
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072407 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072404 1072402 1072408 1072417 1072411 1069595 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072418 1072412 1072419 1072403 1072406 1072339 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072398
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072420
> block -1 by 1072421
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072419 1072403 1072420 1072406 1072339 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072398 1072399 1072407 1072404 1072402 1072408 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072417 1072414 1072418 1072412 1072411 1069595 1072415 1072410
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072421
> block -1 by 1072422
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072421 1072419 1072420 1072406 1072403 1072398 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072399 1072407 1069595 1072411 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072412 1072418 1072417
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072422
> block -1 by 1072423
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072407 1072399 1072402 1072408 1072404 1072405 1072400 1072401 1072417 1072412 1072418 1072414 1072415 1072410 1072411 1069595 1072403 1072420 1072406 1072419 1072421 1072422 1072339 1072416 1072413 1072409 1072398
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072423
> block -1 by 1072424
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072420 1072406 1072403 1072421 1072419 1072422 1072398 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072408 1072402 1072404 1072405 1072400 1072423 1072401 1072407 1072399 1072418 1072412 1072414 1072410 1072415 1069595 1072411 1072417
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072424
> block -1 by 1072425
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072339 1072424 1072422 1072421 1072419 1072406 1072420 1072403 1069595 1072411 1072415 1072410 1072414 1072418 1072412 1072417 1072401 1072405 1072400 1072423 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072399 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072425
> block -1 by 1072426
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072398 1072421 1072419 1072425 1072420 1072406 1072403 1072424 1072422 1072339 1072417 1072414 1072412 1072418 1069595 1072411 1072410 1072415 1072399 1072407 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072401 1072400 1072405 1072423
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072426
> block -1 by 1072427
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072417 1069595 1072411 1072415 1072410 1072414 1072418 1072412 1072399 1072407 1072401 1072426 1072400 1072405 1072423 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072398 1072424 1072422 1072421 1072419 1072406 1072425 1072420 1072403 1072339
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072427
> block -1 by 1072428
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072398 1072424 1072422 1072419 1072421 1072403 1072406 1072420 1072425 1072339 1072427 1072417 1072411 1069595 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072418 1072412 1072399 1072407 1072401 1072423 1072400 1072405 1072426 1072404 1072402 1072408
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072428
> block -1 by 1072429
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072407 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072401 1072426 1072400 1072405 1072423 1072417 1072414 1072418 1072412 1069595 1072411 1072415 1072410 1072421 1072419 1072425 1072406 1072420 1072403 1072424 1072428 1072422 1072427 1072339 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072398
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072429
> block -1 by 1072430
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072427 1072339 1072421 1072419 1072406 1072420 1072425 1072403 1072424 1072422 1072428 1072414 1072418 1072412 1069595 1072429 1072411 1072415 1072410 1072417 1072404 1072408 1072402 1072401 1072426 1072405 1072400 1072423 1072399 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072430
> block -1 by 1072431
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072424 1072422 1072428 1072419 1072421 1072420 1072425 1072406 1072403 1072339 1072427 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072398 1072399 1072407 1072401 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072405 1072423 1072404 1072402 1072408 1072417 1069595 1072429 1072411 1072415 1072410 1072414 1072418 1072412
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072431
> block -1 by 1072432
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072422 1072428 1072424 1072406 1072425 1072420 1072403 1072419 1072421 1072339 1072427 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072398 1072407 1072399 1072430 1072405 1072426 1072400 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072402 1072408 1072404 1072417 1072410 1072415 1069595 1072411 1072429 1072418 1072412 1072414
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072432
> block -1 by 1072433
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072339 1072427 1072424 1072422 1072428 1072419 1072421 1072403 1072406 1072420 1072425 1072411 1072429 1069595 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072412 1072418 1072417 1072401 1072431 1072423 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072405 1072404 1072432 1072402 1072408 1072399 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072433
> block -1 by 1072434
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072416 1072413 1072409 1072427 1072339 1072403 1072433 1072425 1072420 1072406 1072421 1072419 1072422 1072428 1072424 1072418 1072412 1072414 1072415 1072410 1072411 1072429 1069595 1072417 1072408 1072402 1072432 1072404 1072423 1072400 1072405 1072430 1072426 1072431 1072401 1072407 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072434
> block -1 by 1072435
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072339 1072427 1072422 1072428 1072424 1072420 1072406 1072425 1072433 1072403 1072419 1072421 1072415 1072410 1069595 1072411 1072429 1072418 1072412 1072414 1072417 1072405 1072426 1072430 1072400 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072432 1072402 1072408 1072404 1072434 1072407 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072435
> block -1 by 1072436
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072339 1072427 1072424 1072422 1072428 1072419 1072421 1072433 1072403 1072406 1072425 1072420 1072429 1072411 1069595 1072410 1072415 1072414 1072412 1072418 1072417 1072431 1072401 1072423 1072435 1072400 1072430 1072426 1072405 1072434 1072404 1072432 1072408 1072402 1072399 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072436
> block -1 by 1072437
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072424 1072422 1072428 1072421 1072419 1072436 1072425 1072420 1072406 1072433 1072403 1072339 1072427 1072409 1072413 1072416 1072398 1072399 1072407 1072401 1072431 1072435 1072405 1072426 1072430 1072400 1072423 1072404 1072434 1072408 1072402 1072432 1072417 1069595 1072411 1072429 1072415 1072410 1072414 1072418 1072412
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072437
> block -1 by 1072438
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072398 1072422 1072428 1072424 1072406 1072420 1072425 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072419 1072421 1072339 1072427 1072417 1072415 1072410 1069595 1072411 1072429 1072418 1072412 1072414 1072407 1072437 1072399 1072400 1072405 1072430 1072426 1072435 1072423 1072431 1072401 1072408 1072432 1072402 1072434 1072404
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072438
> block -1 by 1072439
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072339 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072417 1072432 1072402 1072438 1072408 1072435 1072405 1072399 1072427 1072436 1072420 1072406 1072403 1072433 1072421 1072419 1072424 1072412 1072418 1072415 1069595 1072434 1072404 1072426 1072430 1072400 1072423 1072431 1072401 1072437 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072439
> block -1 by 1072440
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072412 1072418 1072415 1069595 1072437 1072407 1072434 1072404 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072436 1072406 1072420 1072433 1072403 1072421 1072419 1072424 1072427 1072417 1072414 1072410 1072411 1072429 1072399 1072438 1072408 1072402 1072432 1072405 1072435 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072439 1072398 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072339
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072440
> block -1 by 1072441
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072398 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072439 1072339 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072414 1072410 1072411 1072429 1072417 1072432 1072402 1072438 1072408 1072435 1072405 1072399 1072440 1072427 1072420 1072406 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072419 1072421 1072424 1072418 1072412 1072415 1069595 1072434 1072404 1072430 1072426 1072400 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072437 1072407
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072441
> block -1 by 1072442
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072440 1072441 1072427 1072424 1072403 1072433 1072436 1072406 1072420 1072421 1072419 1072415 1069595 1072418 1072412 1072423 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072431 1072401 1072404 1072434 1072407 1072437 1072398 1072416 1072413 1072439 1072409 1072339 1072422 1072428 1072425 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072414 1072417 1072435 1072405 1072402 1072408 1072438 1072432 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072442
> block -1 by 1072443
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072440 1072441 1072424 1072420 1072436 1072406 1072403 1072433 1072421 1072419 1072427 1072415 1069595 1072418 1072412 1072437 1072407 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072434 1072404 1072413 1072442 1072416 1072439 1072409 1072398 1072422 1072428 1072425 1072339 1072417 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072414 1072399 1072435 1072405 1072432 1072402 1072438 1072408
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072443
> block -1 by 1072444
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072424 1072421 1072419 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072427 1072441 1072440 1072407 1072437 1072431 1072401 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072423 1072404 1072434 1069595 1072415 1072443 1072418 1072412 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072339 1072409 1072439 1072413 1072442 1072416 1072398 1072399 1072405 1072435 1072432 1072408 1072438 1072402 1072417 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072444
> block -1 by 1072445
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072419 1072421 1072403 1072433 1072406 1072436 1072420 1072424 1072427 1072444 1072441 1072440 1072437 1072407 1072434 1072404 1072401 1072431 1072423 1072430 1072426 1072400 1072418 1072412 1072443 1069595 1072415 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072339 1072409 1072439 1072416 1072413 1072442 1072398 1072399 1072408 1072402 1072438 1072432 1072405 1072435 1072417 1072414 1072411 1072429 1072410
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072445
> block -1 by 1072446
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072415 1069595 1072418 1072443 1072412 1072423 1072400 1072430 1072426 1072431 1072401 1072404 1072434 1072437 1072407 1072440 1072441 1072444 1072427 1072424 1072433 1072403 1072436 1072420 1072406 1072421 1072419 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072414 1072417 1072435 1072405 1072438 1072432 1072402 1072408 1072399 1072398 1072445 1072416 1072413 1072442 1072439 1072409 1072339 1072428 1072422 1072425
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072446
> block -1 by 1072447
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072444 1072440 1072441 1072427 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072419 1072421 1072424 1072418 1072412 1072443 1072446 1072415 1069595 1072404 1072434 1072426 1072400 1072430 1072423 1072431 1072401 1072437 1072407 1072398 1072442 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072439 1072445 1072339 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072414 1072410 1072411 1072429 1072417 1072408 1072402 1072432 1072438 1072435 1072405 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072447
> block -1 by 1072448
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072427 1072406 1072436 1072420 1072403 1072433 1072419 1072421 1072424 1072447 1072444 1072440 1072441 1072404 1072434 1072400 1072430 1072426 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072407 1072437 1072412 1072443 1072418 1072446 1072415 1069595 1072339 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072398 1072413 1072442 1072416 1072439 1072409 1072445 1072408 1072438 1072432 1072402 1072405 1072435 1072399 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072417
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072448
> block -1 by 1072449
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072417 1072414 1072429 1072411 1072410 1072399 1072408 1072402 1072432 1072438 1072405 1072435 1072409 1072439 1072416 1072448 1072442 1072413 1072445 1072398 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072339 1072446 1072418 1072443 1072412 1069595 1072415 1072407 1072437 1072434 1072404 1072401 1072431 1072423 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072444 1072441 1072440 1072447 1072419 1072421 1072403 1072433 1072420 1072436 1072406 1072424 1072427
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072449
> block -1 by 1072450
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072409 1072439 1072416 1072413 1072448 1072442 1072445 1072398 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072339 1072417 1072414 1072429 1072411 1072410 1072399 1072449 1072438 1072408 1072432 1072402 1072405 1072435 1072444 1072441 1072440 1072447 1072419 1072421 1072433 1072403 1072420 1072406 1072436 1072424 1072427 1072446 1072412 1072418 1072443 1069595 1072415 1072437 1072407 1072404 1072434 1072431 1072401 1072423 1072430 1072426 1072400
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072450
> block -1 by 1072451
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072407 1072437 1072431 1072401 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072423 1072404 1072434 1069595 1072415 1072443 1072412 1072418 1072446 1072424 1072421 1072419 1072436 1072420 1072406 1072403 1072433 1072427 1072441 1072440 1072444 1072447 1072450 1072399 1072435 1072405 1072449 1072402 1072432 1072438 1072408 1072417 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072339 1072445 1072439 1072409 1072413 1072442 1072448 1072416 1072398
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072451
> block -1 by 1072452
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072399 1072435 1072405 1072449 1072402 1072408 1072438 1072432 1072417 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072339 1072445 1072409 1072439 1072442 1072448 1072413 1072416 1072398 1072437 1072407 1072431 1072401 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072423 1072434 1072404 1069595 1072415 1072418 1072412 1072443 1072446 1072424 1072421 1072419 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072427 1072441 1072440 1072444 1072451 1072447 1072450
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072452
> block -1 by 1072453
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072451 1072450 1072447 1072441 1072440 1072444 1072427 1072424 1072419 1072421 1072433 1072403 1072420 1072436 1072406 1069595 1072415 1072446 1072443 1072412 1072418 1072431 1072401 1072423 1072430 1072426 1072400 1072434 1072404 1072407 1072437 1072398 1072452 1072445 1072409 1072439 1072416 1072413 1072448 1072442 1072339 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414 1072417 1072405 1072435 1072449 1072438 1072432 1072408 1072402 1072399
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072453
> block -1 by 1072454
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072444 1072440 1072441 1072447 1072450 1072451 1072406 1072436 1072420 1072403 1072433 1072421 1072419 1072424 1072427 1072453 1072418 1072412 1072443 1072446 1072415 1069595 1072407 1072437 1072404 1072434 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072423 1072431 1072401 1072448 1072442 1072413 1072416 1072409 1072439 1072445 1072452 1072398 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072339 1072417 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072399 1072438 1072402 1072408 1072432 1072449 1072405 1072435
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072454
> block -1 by 1072455
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072339 1072416 1072413 1072442 1072448 1072409 1072439 1072445 1072452 1072398 1072399 1072408 1072432 1072402 1072438 1072449 1072405 1072435 1072417 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072433 1072403 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072421 1072419 1072424 1072427 1072444 1072440 1072441 1072454 1072450 1072447 1072451 1072437 1072407 1072404 1072434 1072423 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072431 1072401 1072453 1072446 1072443 1072412 1072418 1072415 1069595
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072455
> block -1 by 1072456
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072453 1069595 1072415 1072418 1072412 1072443 1072446 1072437 1072407 1072431 1072401 1072400 1072430 1072426 1072423 1072434 1072404 1072441 1072440 1072444 1072451 1072447 1072450 1072454 1072424 1072419 1072421 1072436 1072406 1072420 1072403 1072433 1072427 1072417 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414 1072399 1072405 1072435 1072449 1072438 1072402 1072432 1072408 1072445 1072439 1072409 1072442 1072448 1072413 1072416 1072455 1072398 1072452 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072339
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072456
> block -1 by 1072457
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072422 1072428 1072425 1072339 1072445 1072409 1072439 1072448 1072413 1072442 1072416 1072398 1072455 1072452 1072399 1072435 1072405 1072449 1072432 1072408 1072402 1072438 1072417 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072414 1072424 1072419 1072421 1072436 1072420 1072406 1072433 1072403 1072427 1072441 1072440 1072444 1072451 1072447 1072450 1072454 1072437 1072407 1072431 1072401 1072400 1072426 1072430 1072423 1072434 1072404 1072453 1072456 1069595 1072415 1072412 1072443 1072418 1072446
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072457
> block -1 by 1072458
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072452 1072398 1072455 1072416 1072448 1072442 1072413 1072409 1072439 1072445 1072408 1072438 1072402 1072432 1072449 1072435 1072405 1072399 1072414 1072410 1072411 1072429 1072417 1072427 1072433 1072403 1072436 1072406 1072420 1072419 1072421 1072424 1072454 1072450 1072447 1072451 1072444 1072440 1072457 1072441 1072434 1072404 1072423 1072430 1072426 1072400 1072431 1072401 1072407 1072437 1072446 1072418 1072443 1072412 1072415 1069595 1072456 1072453
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072458
> block -1 by 1072459
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072456 1072453 1072446 1072418 1072412 1072443 1072415 1069595 1072437 1072407 1072434 1072404 1072423 1072426 1072400 1072430 1072431 1072401 1072444 1072440 1072457 1072441 1072454 1072450 1072447 1072451 1072403 1072433 1072420 1072406 1072436 1072421 1072419 1072424 1072427 1072417 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072399 1072402 1072432 1072408 1072438 1072449 1072405 1072435 1072416 1072442 1072413 1072448 1072409 1072439 1072445 1072452 1072458 1072398 1072455 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072339
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072459
> block -1 by 1072461
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072425 1072422 1072428 1072452 1072458 1072398 1072455 1072439 1072409 1072416 1072413 1072448 1072442 1072445 1072449 1072432 1072438 1072408 1072402 1072435 1072405 1072459 1072399 1072414 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072417 1072427 1072419 1072421 1072433 1072403 1072406 1072436 1072420 1072424 1072454 1072451 1072450 1072447 1072444 1072441 1072440 1072457 1072434 1072404 1072431 1072401 1072423 1072400 1072430 1072426 1072407 1072437 1072446 1072418 1072443 1072412 1069595 1072415 1072456 1072453
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072461
> block -1 by 1072462
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072412 1072418 1072443 1072446 1072461 1072415 1069595 1072453 1072456 1072404 1072434 1072430 1072426 1072400 1072423 1072401 1072431 1072437 1072407 1072454 1072447 1072450 1072451 1072444 1072457 1072440 1072441 1072427 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072403 1072433 1072419 1072421 1072424 1072414 1072410 1072429 1072411 1072417 1072408 1072402 1072438 1072432 1072449 1072405 1072435 1072459 1072399 1072452 1072458 1072455 1072398 1072442 1072448 1072413 1072416 1072439 1072409 1072445 1072339 1072425 1072428 1072422
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072462
> block -1 by 1072463
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072441 1072440 1072457 1072444 1072451 1072450 1072447 1072454 1072424 1072419 1072421 1072403 1072433 1072406 1072436 1072420 1072427 1072456 1072453 1069595 1072415 1072446 1072461 1072443 1072412 1072418 1072407 1072437 1072401 1072431 1072423 1072430 1072400 1072426 1072404 1072434 1072445 1072409 1072439 1072416 1072448 1072413 1072442 1072455 1072398 1072452 1072458 1072428 1072422 1072425 1072339 1072417 1072429 1072411 1072462 1072410 1072414 1072399 1072459 1072405 1072435 1072449 1072408 1072432 1072438 1072402
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072463
> block -1 by 1072464
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
1072466 was blocked by: 1072339 1072425 1072428 1072422 1072452 1072458 1072398 1072455 1072439 1072409 1072442 1072448 1072413 1072416 1072445 1072449 1072402 1072432 1072438 1072408 1072435 1072405 1072459 1072399 1072414 1072462 1072411 1072429 1072410 1072417 1072427 1072419 1072421 1072406 1072420 1072436 1072433 1072403 1072424 1072454 1072451 1072447 1072450 1072444 1072463 1072441 1072457 1072440 1072404 1072434 1072401 1072431 1072426 1072400 1072430 1072423 1072437 1072407 1072418 1072443 1072412 1072461 1072446 1069595 1072415 1072453 1072456
1072466 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 1072466: 1072464
> affects -1 + src:ffmpeg
Bug #1072466 [] transition: ffmpeg
Added indication that 1072466 affects src:ffmpeg
Debian Bug Tracking System
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