Bug#1070334: libnet-frame-device-perl needs network access during build

Étienne Mollier emollier at debian.org
Fri May 3 21:40:31 BST 2024

Control: tags -1 + confirmed

Jochen Sprickerhof, on 2024-05-03:
> libnet-frame-device-perl fails to build with no network connection:
> 1..1
> # Running under perl version 5.038002 for linux
> # Current time local: Sat Apr 27 12:53:04 2024
> # Current time GMT:   Sat Apr 27 12:53:04 2024
> # Using Test.pm version 1.31
> ok 1 # skip Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing
> ok
> Net::Frame::Device: updateFromDefault: unable to get dnet
> This can be tested with the sbuild unshare backend.

Interesting, the test suite looks to expect to find non loopback
interfaces being configured, at least one I assume.  If I run
the build in chroot-mode schroot, it captures details of the
network configuration of the interface:

	$VAR1 = {
	          'subnet6' => 'fe80::/64',
	          'gatewayMac6' => undef,
	          'target6' => undef,
	          'gatewayIp6' => 'fe80::1234:56ff:fe78:9abc',
	          'ip6' => 'fe80::cba9:87ff:fe65:4321',
	          'mac' => 'cb:a9:87:65:43:21',
	          'gatewayMac' => '12:34:56:67:9a:bc',
	          'target' => undef,
	          'dev' => 'enp1s0',
	          'subnet' => '',
	          '_dnet' => undef,
	          'gatewayIp' => '',
	          'ip' => ''

instead of the error below, which I also witnessed on my end in
chroot-mode unshare:

	Net::Frame::Device: updateFromDefault: unable to get dnet

I don't really have any good suggestion apart from not running
the affected tests at build time:

	t/04-new-default.t (Wstat: 25856 (exited 101) Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
	  Non-zero exit status: 101
	  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 1 tests but ran 0.
	t/05-new-target.t  (Wstat: 25856 (exited 101) Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
	  Non-zero exit status: 101
	  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 1 tests but ran 0.

Has someone an idea of better approach?

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <emollier at debian.org>
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