Bug#1069101: libdbd-oracle-perl: requires rebuild for time_t transition

Alex Muntada alexm at debian.org
Thu May 9 15:41:10 BST 2024

[Cc to debian-perl for feedback]

Hi Sebastian,

> > > libdbd-oracle-perl depends on libaio1
> > 
> > It turns out that it's oracle-instantclient-basic that needs
> > libaio.so.1. I'm not sure what could be done to address this
> > issue, since the soname renaming to libaio.so.1t64 is Debian
> > specific.

I came up with an easy solution to this: since libaio.so.1 is
required by oracle-instantclient-basic (not in Debian), we could
add libaio (from Oracle Linux) in Depends and then explain in
README.Debian to download it from Oracle, build the .deb with
alien and install it, like the other external dependencies.

The thing is that maybe a hint on libaio will be needed? Plus,
I guess that libaio and libaio1/libaio1t64 are so similar that
it could create too much confusion anyway... What do you think?

If it's too much, then probably it's the time to say goodbye to
libdbd-oracle-perl (popcon number is 52).


  ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Alex Muntada <alexm at debian.org>
  ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋   Debian Developer 🍥 log.alexm.org

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