Bug#1084464: libdebian-source-perl: Debian::Control::read does not accept an open filehandle, contrary to manpage

Sean Whitton spwhitton at spwhitton.name
Mon Oct 7 12:04:26 BST 2024

Package: libdebian-source-perl
Version: 0.122

Dear maintainer,

Debian::Control(3pm) says that Debian::Control::read accepts a filename,
scalar reference or open filehandle.
But it does not seem to actually accept an open filehandle:

spwhitton at melete:~/src/dgit>perl -MDebian::Control -we'open G, "git cat-file blob HEAD:debian/control|"; Debian::Control->new->read(\*G)'
open() needs a ref to a scalar at /usr/share/perl5/Parse/DebControl.pm line 182.

spwhitton at melete:~/src/dgit>perl -MDebian::Control -we'open $g, "git cat-file blob HEAD:debian/control|"; Debian::Control->new->read($g)'
open() needs a ref to a scalar at /usr/share/perl5/Parse/DebControl.pm line 182.

Sean Whitton

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