Bug#1082559: libimage-exiftool-perl: please update to latest upstream version

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sat Oct 12 23:39:26 BST 2024

On Sun, 22 Sep 2024 11:57:32 +0200, Filippo Giunchedi wrote:

> I'd like to request a newer upstream version of libimage-exiftool-perl to be
> packaged, e.g. 12.96 from Sept 1st

Thanks for reaching out.

The question you are raising is interesting, as Exiftool is a bit
untypical, as it has two types of releases and two release locations:

- There are "production" and other ("development"?) releases.
- https://exiftool.org/ has both, https://metacpan.org/release/Image-ExifTool
  only has production releases.

We have been packaging the development releases from
https://exiftool.org/ for some time; unfortunately the timeline
doesn't always align with the Debian release dates; which lead to
#1041852 (summary: a stable Debian release should ship a "production
release" of Exiftool).

Now other people, like you in this bug report, legitimately say
"Can't we have all new releases (aka also development releases) of
Exiftool?", and I understand the position (as we've packaged them for
a couple of years).

In the end, we can't satisfy both expectations (or: we can't close
both #1041852 and #1082559, as they contradict each other).
Currently I think packaging (only) production releases is okay, as we
also do this for other distributions on the CPAN.


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