Bug#1086224: RC: Argument " " isn't numeric in division (/) at /usr/share/perl5/GD/SecurityImage/Magick.pm

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Tue Oct 29 17:18:03 GMT 2024

On Tue, 29 Oct 2024 16:08:30 +0000, Niko Tyni wrote:

> This gives a list of thirteen integers on trixie, but
> just one undef on sid.
> Is this an intentional API change in ImageMagick 7 that GD::SecurityImage
> should adapt to, or possibly a regression on the ImageMagick side?

Nice finding.

I also have a small info point to add.

The first of the 2 (now) failing test looks like this (same for the
second in principle):

# cat debian/tests/perlmagick-gd-7.q16
# regression test for #1032998
use GD::SecurityImage use_magick => 1;

my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(
    width    => 200,
    height   => 100,
    lines    => 4,
    gd_font  => 'Giant',
    scramble => 1,
    rndmax   => 10,
$image->create( 'normal', 'default', "#403030", "#FF644B" );
print $image->out( force => 'png' );

Now GD::SecurityImage has two backends: GD::SecurityImage:GD has a
gd_font property but GD::SecurityImage::Magick only has a font property
(which needs an absolute path to a *.ttf file). And you are of course
using the ::Magick backend :) (with use_magick => 1).

I wonder how this has ever worked; with use_magick gd_font attribute
is never used (because it's in GD.pm) -- which amounts to Niko's
finding where he used an empty 'font'.

If I change your test to

# cat debian/tests/perlmagick-gd-7.q16
# regression test for #1032998
use GD::SecurityImage use_magick => 1;

my $image = GD::SecurityImage->new(
    width    => 200,
    height   => 100,
    lines    => 4,
    gd_font  => 'Giant',
    font => '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf',
    scramble => 1,
    rndmax   => 10,
$image->create( 'normal', 'default', "#403030", "#FF644B" );
print $image->out( force => 'png' );

i.e. I add a 'font' value (and I picked DejaVuSans.ttf randomly as it
was installed in the chroot where I built imagemagick; gd_font can be
removed), it passes.

> > I suppose a depends on fonts is missing:
> Please elaborate. Did ImageMagick 7 change something in (default?) font
> handling? I couldn't easily find a summary of the changes.

My tenatative conclusion so far is:
- The test was always incorrect, and passed by chance.
- This luck is gone as apparently something changed in imagemagick.
> > Moreinformation here:
> > https://ci.debian.net/packages/i/imagemagick/testing/amd64/53694127/
> Printing the generated image to the terminal at the end of your
> autopkgtest check seems useless and clutters the log BTW.

Also my terminal :)


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