Bug#924985: Autopkgtest for libhtml-autopagerize-perl fails

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sat Feb 22 10:12:41 GMT 2025

Hi Perl folks,

bug #924985 came up as some bug of the day candidate and so I had a
look.  I'd be fine to add my ID to fill in the Uploaders gap and so I
would like to care - but as you know I'm not an expert in Perl and need
your help with the autopkgtest failure you can see in Salsa-CI[1].

Concluding from "Can't locate Test/Base.pm in @INC" I need to add the
Test-Depends:  libtest-base-perl.  However, since we are just running

  Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl

I wonder how to specify those extra Test-Depends.  Is there any trick
to avoid an explicit debian/tests/control which I don't know yet.

Kind regards

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/perl-team/modules/packages/libhtml-autopagerize-perl/-/jobs/7136473#700


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