[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#495874: Bug#495874: hugin: configured to call enfuse, which does not exist

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Thu Aug 21 13:43:32 UTC 2008


putting back the bug in the loop, so my fellow pkg-phototools
comaintainers (which includes enblend people) have a chance to read you.

Ben Pearre <bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu> (21/08/2008):
> Thanks for your fast response, especially given that you have reason
> to believe that this is just a dumb-user-support issue.  So sorry for
> the obnoxious wording, but I don't yet see how README.Debian addresses
> this issue: it does not mention enfuse at all.

You said:
> More info on enfuse at http://wiki.panotools.org/Enfuse

Quoting it:
> State of development 
> Enfuse is currently in beta and available with the development version
> of Enblend

So, yes, README.Debian could be improved, but the essential info is
there already.

Ben Pearre <bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu> (21/08/2008):
> It sounds like you might be saying that the hugin version in Unstable
> is configured for a more recent version of some supporting software
> than appears in Unstable, and it is OK for it not to work while some
> other maintainers play catch-up.

No, while Hugin/Enblend/Enfuse people haven't released their software.

> I hope I misunderstand, as that seems to break the whole point of
> versioned dependencies, doesn't it?  Key point: hugin, as shipped
> rignt now, doesn't work.  That's a bug, right?

Some features aren't available, including exposure-related because
enfuse (aka. enblend 3.1) isn't released yet. Snapshots are being
tested, I think, but last time I checked, CVS head has been broken for
days, maybe weeks. So we couldn't really package a snapshot either. I
think upstream reverted the offending patch, as well as people in charge
of packaging it. I guess they might follow-up to that bug with status

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