[Pkg-phototools-devel] qtpfsgui available in debian

Giuseppe Rota rota.giuseppe at gmail.com
Wed Jan 2 08:14:22 UTC 2008

first off sorry for the long delay, I've been on vacation.

On Dec 22, 2007 6:25 PM, Cyril Brulebois <cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr>

> Hi again.
> On 21/12/2007, Giuseppe Rota wrote:
> > 1) Qtpfsgui 1.9.0 is out (libjpeg is no more a dependency)
> I'm working on it, an upload should follow once I've tested the runtime
> a bit. Thanks for fixing the <pre></pre> stuff in the license file
> before I even submit it to you (we are using a symlink to the
> /usr/share/common-license files, rather than shipping an extra license
> file). :-)
> A question: do you think we could let 1.8.12 in unstable for a while,
> and only provide 1.9.0 in experimental (which means that a user can
> replace its unstable package with an experimental one if he really wants
> to test that experimental version), or should we just replace 1.8.12
> with 1.9.0?

mmhhhh.... 1.8.12 is more a more stable branch than 1.9.x, that's for
sure... (indeed there is a bug that prevents the user from using
align_image_stack in 1.9.0). I will leave the decision to you guys, though.

> > 2) I see no .qm (i18n) files in the deb packages... to get the qm
> > files one should run the "lrelease project.pro" before the "qmake"
> > step.
> Fixed in the just-uploaded package.
> Attached:
>  - a tiny patch to remove the encoding key from the desktop file. It is
>   deprecated (since UTF-8 is the default).

thanks, I'll merge it to the trunk.

>  - two tiny patches to fix FTBFS with gcc 4.3 snapshots. In that series,
>   the headers are being cleaned up, so you sometimes have to
>   explicitely add this or that #include. One is for the 1.8.12 release,
>   one is for the 1.9.0 one.

>   .
>   Note that the modification in src/Exif/exif_operations.cpp is needed
>   since /usr/include/exiv2/value.hpp looks buggy and should include
>   <cstring> itself. I've poked the (debian) qt/kde maintainers, which
>   are going to look at this soon, and report it upstream. We can keep
>   this patch locally until it is fixed, no need to include this
>   workaround in your next release.


>  - a basic manpage in the perlpod format. We're generating the manpage
>   using the following command:
>        pod2man --center='Minimal qtpfsgui manpage' \
>                --release=$(DEB_VERSION) \
>                debian/qtpfsgui.pod > $(MANPAGE)
>   where MANPAGE is debian/qtpfsgui.1 (using a variable since we're
>   doing stuff with that file in the debian makefil), and DEB_VERSION
>   the version of the debian package (including the revision, e.g.
>   1.8.12-2 for this particular upload). I'm using this since pod2man is
>   included in the perl package (so we're not needing any additional
>   build dependency), and since perlpod is quite readable (IMVHO)
>   compared to *roff.
>   .
>   Feel free to take the authorship of this file and to modify it as
>   needed, it's just a perlpod adaptation of the homepage. I don't need
>   particular credits for it. I added this manpage since every command
>   should be documented in debian, even the GUI stuff.

Ok, thank you, I'll add this manpage to svn.
Cheers, and happy new year.

> Cheers,
> --
> Cyril Brulebois
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