[Pkg-phototools-devel] RFS: blimp

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Sat Jan 5 19:50:53 UTC 2008


On 05/01/2008, Knut Arild Erstad wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "blimp".  Blimp is a photo
> editor which offers a unique workflow for photographers.  Some of the
> features are:

I would understand if you were asking for a review instead of a sponsor

> The package currently depends on Sun's java6.  I will probably create
> gcj-based packages as well at some point.  Yes, it is written in Java,
> but don't let that discourage you from trying it out.  :-)

… this means that the following isn't correct:
Section: graphics
Build-Depends: …, sun-java6-jdk, …
Depends: …, sun-java6-jre, …

Check for contrib and non-free in the policy. Hopefully it's buildable
and usable with gcj, as you stated.

> The package appears to be lintian clean.

Checking the source package:
W: blimp source: binary-arch-rules-but-pkg-is-arch-indep
W: blimp source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.7.2 (current is 3.7.3)
I: blimp source: build-depends-without-arch-dep ant
I: blimp source: build-depends-without-arch-dep sun-java6-jdk
I: blimp source: build-depends-without-arch-dep libswt3.2-gtk-java
I: blimp source: build-depends-without-arch-dep imagemagick
I: blimp source: build-depends-without-arch-dep fakeroot

Check: you're running the latest lintian, and be sure to use -i/-I so as
to spot as many issues as possible. If you're running debuild or so with
-b, be sure to run lintian on the source package (.dsc) as well.

> I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

I didn't dig it much more, but I might help a bit with the gcj stuff.
You might have a look at the pkg-phototools group, more information on
the website[1].

 1. http://pkg-phototools.alioth.debian.org/


Cyril Brulebois
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