[Pkg-phototools-devel] RFS: openjpeg

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Fri Jan 11 23:48:27 UTC 2008

On 11/01/2008, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> I'm quite happy for the package to enter the pkg-phototools version
> control system if that is what the group would like and finalise any
> changes there.

I should have made it clear: that was a proposition. :)

> Currently I am hosting the package on my own (publicly accessible) svn
> server, but it makes more sense for these packages to move to alioth
> as they start to be finalised for/enter Debian.

Do you want me to take care of creating the git repository and injecting
your revisions there? According to a quick search on alioth, I guess
you're robinc-guest (so that I add you to the group).

> PS: I am not currently subscribed to pkg-phototools so please CC me or
> ensure a reply goes to debian-mentors (which i am subscribed).

Let me know once you're subscribed, we'll take care of everything on the
-devel list.


Cyril Brulebois
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