[Pkg-phototools-devel] RFS: openjpeg
Cyril Brulebois
cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Fri Jan 18 17:34:15 UTC 2008
On 18/01/2008, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> I think everything is ok now. I seem to have the hang of the basics of
> git. I have committed your patches you emailed to me, and a couple
> more based on your previous suggestions.
Nice. :)
> Yep, done. I only have the unstable branch now and it only contains
> debian/
So you could just push unstable, and I could eventually trash all
other branches on alioth? OK, stupid me, I forgot to set the
hooks/post-receive script, and there were no mail notification (to the
-commits list). I've just seen unstable is pushed and other branches are
gone. Nice. :)
> I've implemented a get-orig-source rule for the makefile, but i don't
> like it. It seems a hack to me so if you can comment on a better way
> to do it that would be very welcome.
OK, I'll see that in a tiny while.
> Out of interest which build command do you then run, i assume
> dpkg-buildpackage as git-buildpackage requires the upstream source to
> be present in the tree (unless you run with --ignore-new) ?
Usually, once I've cloned, branched, checkouted, I use tar to extract
the usptream sources in the current directory, like this:
tar xfz ../package_version.orig.tar.gz --strip 1
Then hack, commit, etc. And build with “debuild -us -uc -b” (eventually
with “-nc”). To get the source package, just add the “-i” option to
“debuild -us -uc -S”, so that .git (amongst others) gets ignored.
If you want to restart from scratch, without ever looking back, just use
“git-checkout -f” to forget about changes in git-tracked files. To get
rid of every file and directory (*DANGEROUS*), “git-clean -x -d”. Beware
that sometimes, you're adding some files to git (debian/foo), but if you
didn't run git-add on it at this point, it's lost. You're warned. But
that's extremely useful with some habit.
> Applied, for some reason uscan when called from debian/rules (in my
> get-orig-source rule) will not respect the continue line \ terminator,
> from the shell it is fine so i have made your changes but left them on
> a single line.
OK. Quite strange, I seem to recall I have at least one package using
uscan from debian/rules, with version mangling. I'll check once you've
pushed your branch.
Note that get-orig-source only has to be there when you're repacking
(because pruning non-free files) the tarball. Otherwise, just having a
debian/watch file and running uscan (possibly with --force-download
--rename) is very sufficient.
> Not seen this myself before, but yes i have noticed this now. Looks
> like an upstream bug report is due.
Maybe transient glitches? Anyway, running uscan several times does the
trick, that's not a huge problem anyway.
> Thanks for your help
Cyril Brulebois
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