[Pkg-phototools-devel] [RFC] Packaging notes for hugin

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Sun Jan 27 19:36:53 UTC 2008

Hi Bruno,

(unfortunately, due to my not receiving the first mails exchanged on the
list, I'm not actually replying to your offer, sorry about that.)

I'm wondering how to deal with hugin and the tools coming up with it.
Until now, built from a single “hugin” source package, we had the
following binary packages:
 - hugin, which only acts as a meta-package, depending on the others.
 - hugin-bin, which contains the hugin binary.
 - hugin-data, which contains… data.
 - hugin-tools, which contains the following tools:

(in a prospective package of 0.7~beta4).

I guess the intent was to keep some tools separate from the hugin
binary, so that e.g. qtpfsgui can use align_image_stack without
depending on hugin itself.

But I've been graphing the binary dependencies (binaries under /usr/bin
and shared objects), and I don't really see how it would interesting to
eventually separate the tools, that's why I'm thinking of rather merging
hugin-{bin,tools} into hugin (keeping hugin-data as it is) than keeping
the current packaging scheme.

After a quick google, it looks like hugin is coming as a single RPM for
Fedora, is that correct?

Thanks in advance. Cheers,

Cyril Brulebois
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