[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#405862: Bug#405862: Bug#405862: hugin: configured to call autopano.exe, should be autopano

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 12 04:11:17 UTC 2008

> Cyril:
> > I'm on my way to see what is available in those packages anyway…
> For reference:
> | cyril at talisker:~/tmp$ dpkg --contents
> | ./autopano-sift_2.4-0.8_amd64.deb|grep usr/bin|awk
> '{print $6}'|sort
> | ./usr/bin/
> | ./usr/bin/autopano
> | ./usr/bin/autopano-complete
> | ./usr/bin/autopanog
> | ./usr/bin/generatekeys
> | ./usr/bin/generatekeys-sd
> | ./usr/bin/showone
> | ./usr/bin/showtwo
> | cyril at talisker:~/tmp$ dpkg --contents
> | ./autopano-sift-c_2.5~svn20080504-0.1_amd64.deb |grep usr/bin|awk
> | '{print $6}'|sort
> | ./usr/bin/
> | ./usr/bin/autopano
> | ./usr/bin/autopano-c-complete
> | ./usr/bin/autopano-sift-c
> | ./usr/bin/generatekeys
> So it looks like “autopano” might be a good choice, leaving people with
> the possibility to tweak the setting by doing as you mentioned already.

looking backwards,

autopano is the command line version.
autopanog is the GUI version.

As hugin is a GUI, it is natural to run the GUI version of autopano as
well when the user clicks the "Create Ctrl Points" button. Especially
the resolution scaling step has a big effect on performance.

my version of autopano-sift (2.4-0.5 from Etch) has:
$ dpkg -L autopano-sift | grep bin

(I suspect the .dll really shouldn't be installed either)

looking forwards now,

No idea what has happened to the GUI version with the new 2.5.0-C
release, or who is now the official upstream:

2.4.0 Mono: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~nowozin/autopano-sift/
2.5.0 C:    https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=77506

the README in the tarball states that the GUI is rather out of date, but
the README is far out of date too (c.2005), so that may well be bad info.

but if it ain't there in 2.5, it ain't there; and "autopano" is the only



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