[Pkg-phototools-devel] Bug#510443: Bug#510443: libopenjpeg2: the upstream supplied JNI interface is missing

Cyril Brulebois kibi at debian.org
Thu Jan 1 22:55:51 UTC 2009

severity 510443 wishlist
retitle 510443 Please consider shipping a java package for libopenjpeg.

Johan Henriksson <mahogny at areta.org> (01/01/2009):
> the JNI interface found in JavaOpenJPEG/ of the source package is not
> included. because of the close dependency on the library it should be
> built from the same source package, but probably be given out as
> libopenjpeg2-java.
> this package is expected to put a .so-file from the C-files in
> JavaOpenJPEG/ in /usr/lib/jni and the compiled .java-files in a .jar
> in /usr/share/java

I'd say that is a wishlist bugreport, rather than an important bug in
this package, no? I can understand that you might need it badly, but
that's not really a bug in the current set of packages available to you
as far as I can tell.

Thanks for reporting.

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