[Pkg-phototools-devel] library transition proposal exiv2/ libexiv2-5

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Sat Mar 7 03:14:08 UTC 2009

On Saturday 07 March 2009 13:35:29 Mark Purcell wrote:
> I propose a transition with libexiv2-5 (already in experimental) source
> package exiv2. Which is a new upstream release from unstable.

Also could I ask the rdepends (Cc:) to try the package in experimental and 
report back (to debian-release) if their package is ready for transition?

Some data from ubuntu from Luka Renko:

Build fails for the following rdepends:
 - gequie: uses old/private API - need to check it upstream has never version
 - koffice2/ krita: minor change required due to API change - will talk with 
upstream to fix for next beta
 - libkexiv2: this package should be dropped as all rdepends of it now depends 
on newer version from kdegraphics
 - pyexiv2: API change - need to check if upstream has newer version/fix

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