[Pkg-phototools-devel] luminance-hdr_2.2.1-1_i386.changes is NEW

Debian FTP Masters ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Mon May 14 18:49:32 UTC 2012

(new) luminance-hdr_2.2.1-1.debian.tar.gz extra graphics
(new) luminance-hdr_2.2.1-1.dsc extra graphics
(new) luminance-hdr_2.2.1-1_i386.deb extra graphics
graphical user interface providing a workflow for HDR imaging
  * Create an HDR file from a set of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and
    16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting.
  * Save and load HDR images.
  * Rotate and resize HDR images.
  * Tonemap HDR images.
  * Copy exif data between sets of images.
 Supported HDR formats:
  * OpenEXR (extension: exr).
  * Radiance RGBE (extension: hdr).
  * Tiff formats: 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff).
  * Raw image formats (extension: various).
  * PFS native format (extension: pfs).
 Supported LDR formats: JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF (8 bit).
(new) luminance-hdr_2.2.1.orig.tar.bz2 extra graphics
  to main/l/luminance-hdr/qtpfsgui_2.2.1-1_all.deb

luminance-hdr (2.2.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
  * Team upload.
  * Switch to new upstream name luminance-hdr. Closes: #622240,#563401
    (LP: #649647)
  * Use 3.0 (quilt) format.
  * Drop patches which do not apply (20_gcc4.3_includes
    30_fix_documentation_search_path 40_fix_desktop_file_icon 50_disable_opts
    60_fix_segfault_536666), update 10_remove_encoding_from_desktop_file.
  * Update build-depends, adding cmake (>= 2.6.0), libqtwebkit-dev,
    libraw-dev, libgsl0-dev.
  * [20_usrsharedoc.diff] install to and search for docs in
    /usr/share/doc/luminance-hdr instead if /usr/share/luminance-hdr. Strip
    down debian/rules, this is now basically vanilla cmake.
  * Provide empty qtpfsgui transitional package to faciliate automatic
  * Use dh v9 level.
  * Enable building with bindnow and -Wl,--as-needed.
  * Add dependency on libqt4-sql-sqlite.
  * Do not ship unused jquery copy.
  * Register manual with doc-base.
  * Adopt package. Closes: #646315

Override entries for your package:
qtpfsgui_2.2.1-1_all.deb - extra graphics

Announcing to debian-experimental-changes at lists.debian.org
Announcing to debian-devel-changes at lists.debian.org
Closing bugs: 563401 622240 646315 

Your package contains new components which requires manual editing of
the override file.  It is ok otherwise, so please be patient.  New
packages are usually added to the override file about once a week.

You may have gotten the distribution wrong.  You'll get warnings above
if files already exist in other distributions.

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